About Me

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I hold a Master of Theological Studies from the University of Dallas' Institute for Religious and Pastoral Studies. God has called me to be a father and to teach, so I now serve through From the Abbey, my catechetical apostolate. Brother Thomas is the persona I created for the moral theology textbook Dear Brother Thomas.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Salvation History

The Hebrew people alternatively alternated between faithfulness to the Covenant and failure to trust God. When they failed, they became weak and got into trouble. God sent heroes (Judges) to save them, and they would be faithful again for a while. Then the cycle would start over again.

Ultimately, the Hebrew people failed to trust God and demanded a king like other civilizations had. Having a king was fine as long as the king was faithful to God, but the seduction of power overcame them and even David (a man oafter God's own heart) takes advantage. Solomon marks the height and downfall of the kings, as he takes many wives and concubines and the country becomes seduced by foreign gods.

Eventually the Hebrew people become so weak, because they ignore the covenant, that they are scattered and exiled. Prophets rise up to try to bring them back to the Covenant. The prophets give the message that a savior will one day be born to renew the Covenant and establish the Kingdom forever in the line of David (and the priesthood in the line of Malchezedek.)

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