Welcome to the Reading Lists for the Dear Brother Thomas Curriculum in Moral Theology
These lists of books, lectures, web sites, articles, and readings from the Summa Theologica support each lesson in the Dear Brother Thomas curriculum. However, if you are not currently studying the curriculum you may still find these lists useful.
The lists are organized by topic, beginning with natural law subjects (at the top of the menu to the right), moving into divine law subjects, and ending with particular moral issues.
The reading lists are always growing. If you have a suggestion for a resource to add, please add a comment to the appropriate list post. Please make sure your suggestion is faithful to magisterial teachings - we will review each suggestion before posting it.
While that may seem closed-minded to some people, we don't believe it is closed minded to want to create a list of resrouces that accurately present the Catholic teaching on these issues. Other resrouces are readily available that oppose Catholic teaching.